Last Updated on July 15, 2010 by OCF Communications
OCF friends Captain (Royal Navy) Richard and Captain (British Army) Rosalind Meryon, who have spoken many times at OCF’s conference center in White Sulphur Springs, PA, invite OCFers travelling to the Holy Land to contact them.
The Meryons oversee the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. “Rosalind and I greatly want to greet OCFers and their churches and groups. We will endeavor to welcome every one of you to this pinnacle experience during your time in Israel.”
The Meryons were on the British Naval Staff in Washington, DC, from 1985-88 and back again from1992-1995 at the NATO headquarters in Norfolk, VA. Their son, David, who was born in 1987 in Fairfax County Hospital, plans to be the U.S. President in 2028 when he says there are no decent candidates!
Contact the Meryons at for more information.
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