Last Updated on June 23, 2018 by OCF Communications
I have been a chaplain’s wife for eighteen years now—and I have come to love it!
For a chaplain’s wife there are no set standards—as in the civilian pastorate—which I find wonderfully freeing. I could choose where I wanted to get involved. It was not a pre-requisite that I play the piano, sing in the choir, teach Sunday school, or lead children’s church.
When we joined the chaplaincy, we made a commitment as a family to join Marc in worshipping in the chapel where he was ministering. Some chapels were very small and some were larger, but there were always challenges in getting people to come alongside and take charge of an area.
I know that some families decide upon where they worship based on the types of programs a church offers for their children. That often leads them off post to a civilian church. So what happens to the chapels and the chaplains? Should the chaplain families split up and the chaplain spouse and children also attend a civilian church? Chaplain families have done that, but it saddens me because it rips a family apart.
I wish chapels would not be written off because they can’t provide all the programs. Maybe God is calling us to step up to the plate and start a new program right where He has planted us. In my case, that meant helping out with children’s church at our chapel.
How is God calling you to come alongside your chaplain?
Christa Gauthier is married to CH(LTC) Marc Gauthier, U.S. Army. She grew up in Switzerland, and had no idea what the Army or the chaplaincy was, but she loved Marc and knew his heart was in the Army Chaplaincy.
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