About the Narrator
COL Laurence Mixon, USA (Ret.), a 1986 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, retired in June 2016 after a 30-year career with the Army and transitioned to an Army Senior Executive assignment at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He served on the OCF Council from 2011-2019 and has also been active as a local leader in OCF. He and his wife, Tracey, have 8 children.
This episode narrated by COL Laurence Mixon, USA (Ret.)
How does God speak justice, mercy and humility to you?
Today’s Scripture reading comes from Micah 6:8, quoting from the NASB:
“He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?”
How does God speak justice, mercy and humility to you? The issue of Micah 6:8 was that God’s people wanted to know how to placate God. They seemingly wanted to offer Him what did not require a change of heart or compassion on their part. God rejected their offer of materialism and issued His precise requirements of man: to do justice, to love mercy and to be humble. Service done in God’s name is best received when done with a compassionate heart and sincere concern.
The people of Micah’s day erred through ingratitude to God, religious pretense, dishonesty, idolatry and the like. The same could be said for the sin of choice today. In view of God’s requirement for justice, mercy, and humility, what does it mean to practice these on a daily basis at home and on the job? Within the confines of a close knit, selfless community, it is not a stretch for leaders and subordinates to express selfless love for those they serve alongside.
Let’s face it, when a leader goes out of his or her way to ensure compliance with safety directives and take extra steps to discourage illegal or potentially harmful behavior, that leader is not only practicing justice but is also demonstrating love and sincere concern. The practice of upholding standards discourages one from straying, thus avoiding unwanted consequences. Humility helps the servant leader find balance between justice and mercy.
The reminder of God’s requirements to do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with Him suggests that the people were doing the opposite. Consider the opposing actions to his instructions: lack of justice would result in unfair treatment, unreasonableness, and unconcern for others. The opposite of mercy would reflect a lack of compassion, unforgiveness, and unkindness. Absent humility, one becomes prideful, self-serving, and arrogantly assertive.
What is God speaking to your heart regarding the application of justice, loving kindness, and humility? God’s preferred sacrifice is a “broken spirit and a contrite heart.” He rejects self-justification but embraces compassion.
Points to Ponder
Over the next week, here are 3 points to ponder during your personal time of reflection or with a small group or mentor.
- First, what sacrifice of service are you offering God?
- Second, when was the last time your heart was pricked to demonstrate selfless concern for one who did not deserve it?
- Third, is God pleased with your heart of service?
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