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Show Notes

After graduating from West Point in 1989, Ricky Preciado served in the Army on active duty for five years then as a reservist for an additional five before shifting into business operations for a variety of manufacturing companies. Since 2017, he’s been working for Chick-fil-a, and he currently works for them as an owner-operator in the San Diego area.

Ricky joined USS Somerset OCF for a day to share about one of his favorite topics, servant leadership, with Chick-fil-a in tow, of course, and he joined Assistant Director of Communications Courtney Taylor on the podcast to discuss the very same topic. He breaks down what can often seem to be a “Christianese” term in the church, shares what he’s learned about servant leadership via his work with Chick-fil-a, and recaps his visit with USS Somerset OCF.

To find a small group fellowship similar to the USS Somerset OCF group Ricky visited, check out the OCF directory online.

As you listen to this conversation with Ricky, here are a few questions to ponder in your personal time, with a small group, or with a mentor:

  1. How would you define servant leadership?
  2. Who are your role models, biblical or personal, for servant leadership? Why?
  3. What personal experiences have humbled you and can be used in developing your own servant leadership?
  4. How does surrendering your responsibilities to God enable better servant leadership?
  5. Ricky talks about taking the focus off yourself as an impactful means to being a servant leader. What are some practical ways you can focus on others?

About OCF Crosspoint

OCF Crosspoint is a podcast produced by Officers' Christian Fellowship and is dedicated to sharing stories of military life at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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We’re looking for guests to join us on OCF Crosspoint. Everyone has a story to tell. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned saint, your story can impact and encourage others. Click Here to Learn More

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