Last Updated on April 13, 2023 by OCF Communications

Episode 36 show notes

According to the Barna Group, 51% of U.S. churchgoers have never heard the term Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:18-20. Furthermore, only 37% could pick it out from among a group of Bible verses.

So whether you’re in the group who has never heard of the Great Commission, or if you know the Great Commission backwards and forwards—while reading it in Greek—stick with us today as our guest, CH LTC Dan Holcomb, USA (Ret.), talks about how the Great Commission relates to what he calls “Disciplines of a Warrior.”

CH Holcomb is also a guest speaker at Spring Canyon Conference Center during Week 4 of Summer Celebration. He began his military career in 1975, retired in 2013, and is now a Professor of Practical Theology at Covenant Bible Seminary in Lakewood, Washington.

Summer registration links at both OCF conference centers:

What we talked about

Here are some questions that CH Holcomb answers this episode:

  • Tell us your story.
  • How did you recognize that it was God calling you to that next thing… that next chapter of your life?
  • Talk about the relationship between the Great Commission and the topic of Disciplines of a Warrior.
  • When we talk about living out the Great Commission, what does that look like for those in the military? Does it look different for those serving in uniform?
  • Why do you think Jesus wants disciples instead of converts?
  • In verse 20 of the Great Commission, we see the word “observe” in many Bible translations. What is the meaning of that word, and what does it look like for us as disciples to “observe”?

Resources recommended by CH Holcomb

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OCF Crosspoint is a podcast produced by Officers' Christian Fellowship and is dedicated to sharing stories of military life at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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