Got an idea for a guest or topic? 

If you would like to share your own story, complete the form on OCF’s “Be a Guest” webpage. Alternatively, if you have an idea for a guest or topic I should consider for a future episode of the show, send an email to [email protected]. 

Show Notes: 

On the heels of several episodes on the topics of pornography and sexuality with CAPT Brent & Nicole Breining, USN (Ret.), Dr. Joy Skarka joins me on the podcast for a similar conversation, except we’ll approach this topic from the perspective of single or dating women.  

Joy currently serves as the director of discipleship at Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to teaching on God’s design for intimacy and sexuality. 

Joy discusses the meaning behind and value of a phrase that contains two words we likely wouldn’t expect to go together: sexual discipleship. She then shares her own story with pornography addiction and how God turned a source of brokenness, pain, and trauma into a passion through which she helps other women navigate similar struggles. You can connect with Joy by following her on Instagram: @joyskarka 

Check out the various resources mentioned throughout this episode: 

As you listen to this conversation with Joy, here are a few questions to ponder in your personal time, with a small group, or with a mentor: 

  1. Quoting Juli Slattery’s book Rethinking Sexuality, Joy says, “Every sexual question is ultimately a spiritual one.” Do you agree? Why or why not? 
  2. How might a lack of education from the church result in a poor or even harmful understanding of sexuality? 
  3. Joy talks about how addiction to pornography can start so subtly. What are some ways we can proactively guard against developing such addictions? 
  4. If we truly understand that the point of being a Christian is to be made more like Christ, how does that understanding affect our contentment in Him alone, regardless of relationship status, circumstances, etc.? 
  5. Who are the trustworthy mentors in your life with whom you can discuss heavy topics like the ones covered in today’s episode? 

About OCF Crosspoint

OCF Crosspoint is a podcast produced by Officers' Christian Fellowship and is dedicated to sharing stories of military life at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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