
Content and Media

Items on this page come from our various communications and podcasts.

You are qualified to be a Local Leader

Have you felt called to be an OCF Local Leader but have yet to move out on that calling? Perhaps your fear of failure is as big as mine was. Is that preventing you from starting a local fellowship where none exists or joining an existing one that could benefit from your leadership?

May 6th, 2024|Categories: Command, Latest Articles|
  • OCF Mountain Central photo Mountain Central Regional Coordinators Steve and Miriam Shambach, right, on a recent visit to Fort Huachuca.

A look inside the role of OCF’s Regional Coordinators

OCF's Regional Coordinators are a small team of OCF staffers who each oversee a different portion of the map of OCF ministry. The heart of this position is one of a shepherd who develops, grows, and sustains relationships with OCF members, chaplains, and ministry co-laborers. An RC is a catalyst advancing the Lord’s Kingdom via OCF.

March 26th, 2024|Categories: Connected, Latest Articles|
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