About Josh Jackson

Josh Jackson is the host of the OCF Crosspoint podcast and also Director of Communications at OCF. If you'd like to be a guest on Crosspoint, visit this page for more information.

25. Your Every Need

2023-02-13T12:09:42-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

“God will supply every need of yours” whether it is a financial concern, effective time management, or dealing with disgruntled people. Jesus is the resource for all our needs. As faithful followers, ours is to approach Him confidently for grace and help.

24. Are You Leading?

2020-06-02T16:21:06-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes in and out of the workplace through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve to see the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality.

23. What Say Ye?

2020-06-02T16:14:57-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Are you discerning God’s voice when you find yourself speaking to many, a few, or one on one? Just as Jesus spent much time in prayer and solitude with God, the basis of our responses may be proportional to the time we spend with God in study of the Scriptures.

22. Lasting Influence

2020-05-06T19:06:44-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Positive influence on others requires full obedience. I am impressed that Noah’s influence over his sons was greater than the negative influences around them. Noah honored God, and his sons followed suit.

21. Commander’s Intent

2020-05-06T19:02:25-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

When faced with matters that seem insurmountable, revisit the full text of God’s mission for Moses, move ahead in faith, and walk confidently in the assurance of God’s presence in demanding circumstances. Courageously strive to fulfill His intent.

20. Big-Picture Perspective

2020-05-06T18:58:36-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus said He “did not come to destroy lives but to save them.” If one’s tendency is to write people off when there is disagreement, might this have the same effect as “commanding fire” or wishing another dead, spiritually dead that is. The gospel message is for all people and the servant leader does not withhold the message at the first sign of personal rejection.

19. Faith Rhythm

2020-05-06T18:53:46-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Faith, like any muscle, requires exercise. Faith enlarges our leadership effectiveness, enables us to achieve the mission, and makes us more capable of serving others. Those who follow your lead will note your faith in action and prayerfully glorify God.

18. An Actionable Plan

2020-04-20T17:15:05-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

The leader whose commander is the Lord knows who controls his destiny. The tug of fleshly desires is weakened when I take my mind off my own interests and focus on God’s interests. When I do that, I am, in effect, denying myself.

16. Practice Makes Perfect

2020-04-01T21:27:49-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

When I am suddenly arrested by God’s word, it becomes immediately apparent that God is commanding my attention. He is redirecting my swayed focus to sharpen or to compel me to obedience. God sometimes invades my private world because I have lost sight of Him.

15. Compliant Clay

2020-04-01T21:28:49-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

How do you respond to shaping? I mean the kind of shaping that causes you to conform fully to the one doing the shaping. As leaders, do you reflect the positive image you desire to see in your followers?

14. Satisfaction

2020-04-01T20:40:34-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus was so committed to His service that, metaphorically, it served as His physical nourishment. What about you? Does your stalwart service satisfy you as nourishment?

12. Reality Check

2020-03-05T14:05:23-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Where do we, in our leadership zeal, draw the line when it comes to pushing our own agenda or totally acquiescing to God’s divine plan? Are we convinced that God has a plan, or do we “head fake” God by developing our plan then devoutly asking His blessing?

10. Any Volunteers?

2020-03-05T13:47:26-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Who around you needs your tutelage and encouragement? Let’s imitate what Paul did for Timothy. Don’t ask for volunteers, but encourage others to fulfill their calling or act of service.

9. Question Authority

2020-02-14T12:37:32-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

So should we question God’s authority? Regardless of how righteous the question might seem, we would be wise to consider the Holy Scriptures and to pattern our questions and concerns after Jesus’ response while here on earth.

54. Josh and Lindsey Bowen: The importance of small group fellowship

2023-04-13T15:09:21-06:00Categories: Episodes, Small Groups|

Today you're going to hear the story of Joshua and Lindsey Bowen, both captains in the Army. And, while their story contains a few themes, such as mentoring, leadership, and spiritual growth, the one common thread throughout their story is the small group fellowship and the importance that fellowship has played in their lives...going all the way back to when they first met.

6. Don’t Work Alone! Enlist & Mentor

2020-01-24T14:03:21-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What brings leaders to the point of task overload—the belief that only we know what’s best, perhaps distrust of others, or possibly personal ownership? How are you doing in your pursuit to invite others with similar heart and vision into your area of responsibility?

4. Faithful Leadership

2020-01-03T11:58:44-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

From a leadership perspective, I must ask: What enables Christian leaders to maintain the charge when all around us say, “Give up?” Oaths, contracts, and legal agreements bind some to the task, but that which binds the Christian and Christian leader is God’s demonstrated faithfulness.

3. A Double Portion

2020-01-03T11:39:31-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Great leaders are not satisfied with the status quo or content with mediocre gains. As a leader in the home and workplace, how comfortable are you in asking God for big things?

May we bear His image faithfully

2020-01-16T15:05:43-07:00Categories: Leader Touch|

We need much wisdom from the Holy Spirit to bear His image faithfully. As an image bearer of God, may your identity in Christ motivate you to be a worthy representative of our Father to all who see Christ in you, the hope of glory.

1. The Leader and Mercy

2020-01-03T11:38:24-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

As Christ followers one of the questions we must consider is “Do we find it hard to show mercy?” In striving to live out one’s faith in one’s profession, Christian leaders must rightly handle this issue.

50. Encore with Todd Plotner: 4 lessons for young warriors

2023-04-13T15:09:22-06:00Categories: Episodes|

The third and final encore episode comes from episode 27, with LTC Todd Plotner, USA (Ret.), who talks about leadership lessons for young warriors. The conversation was based on an article he wrote for Command magazine back in 2013 when he was the Army ROTC Professor of Military Science at Washington State University.

49. Encore with Ryan Menicucci: Are you a leader that God can use?

2023-04-13T15:09:23-06:00Categories: Episodes|

This encore episode harkens back to episode 9, with guest LT Ryan Menicucci, USA. There were three things we talked about: first, we must have faith in something that is worthy of our faith; second, we must know who we are in Christ; and third, we must be prepared to fight the good fight, as we engage in spiritual warfare.

48. Encore: Navigating the storms of life, with James Rader

2023-04-13T15:09:23-06:00Categories: Episodes|

In this special encore episode, we're going all the way back to episode 2 and the story of Coast Guard Lieutenant James Rader. Sometimes the storms of life can be metaphorical, such as a difficult deployment, move, or career transition. However, there are those times when the storms of life refer to literal storms. Such was the case for James Rader as he took part in search-and-rescue efforts during Hurricane Harvey.

47. Kristin Goodrich: Building community in the military sisterhood

2023-04-13T15:09:24-06:00Categories: Episodes|

What do you think of when I say, “Military Sisterhood”? That was the question Kristin Goodrich posed to about 50 women at the beginning of a weekend retreat last March at OCF's White Sulphur Springs Conference Center. One West Point cadet’s response stood out amid the varied responses, "Sisterhood? What sisterhood?" We'll answer those questions and more.

44. Brigit Jogan: Experiencing God on the mountaintop

2023-04-13T15:09:25-06:00Categories: Episodes, Loving God|

First Class Cadet Brigit Jogan, a senior at the United States Coast Guard Academy, hiked the summit of Mount Antero in Colorado’s Collegiate Peaks during her time at Rocky Mountain High this past summer, and it was during that physical climb to the mountaintop that she experienced the Spirit of God moving in a mighty way. Today, Brigit is going to talk about that experience as she shares her story.

42. Jeff Struecker: Trusting God in All Things

2023-04-13T15:09:26-06:00Categories: Episodes, Stages of Growing as a Christian|

Jeff Struecker's book, "The Road to Unafraid," is the centerpiece for today's conversation. Although several perspectives or themes can be found in the book, Jeff and I focused on trusting in God. In the face of fear and uncertainty at certain times throughout his life, I asked Jeff to talk about how God asked Jeff to trust Him and what that looked like in his life, particularly his military career.

39. Why is Wisdom So Important?

2023-04-13T15:09:28-06:00Categories: Episodes, Stages of Growing as a Christian|

My guest today is Pastor Keith Peck. He has over 40 years of pastoral ministry experience, and recently retired as pastor emeritus of Broadneck Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Annapolis, Maryland, where he served for 27 years. Keith offers his insights on the application of wisdom.

Is spiritual warfare real? Episode 35

2023-04-13T15:09:29-06:00Categories: Episodes, Spiritual Warfare|

Today, we’re talking about spiritual warfare, and our guest is MG Kurt Fuller, USA (Ret.). MG Fuller served 26 years as a paratrooper, 12 years in the Ranger Regiment, and 6 years in combat, including Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Haiti, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

  • Man holding smartphone that displays the title text of this Crosspoint podcast episode: Theological Implications of Addiction.

The Theological Implications of Addiction | Episode 23

2023-04-13T15:09:35-06:00Categories: Embracing the Culture, Episodes, Family as a Force Multiplier, Stages of Growing as a Christian|

What does scripture say about addiction? Can a Christian have an addiction? What does a biblical approach to recovery look like? Isn't Jesus enough? Our guest is Dr. John Thorington—a licensed professional counselor and is also certified as a Sexual Recovery Therapist by the American Association of Sex Addiction Therapy.

What Fuels Your Engine? | Episode 022

2023-04-13T15:09:35-06:00Categories: Episodes, Stages of Growing as a Christian|

In this episode, we chat with Dr. David Kim, a physician, founder, and current CEO of Beacon Christian Community Health Center in New York, and discuss the emotion-fueled train vs. the truth-fueled train; the effects of social media on both of these trains; 3 questions every Christian should able to answer, as well as learning more about how Dr. Kim’s ministry model at Beacon Health relates to integrating faith in all areas of your life as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Love Languages for Military Couples | Episode 016

2023-04-13T15:09:38-06:00Categories: Episodes, The Military Spouse|

What comes to mind when you hear “Acts of Service?” How about “Words of Affirmation” or “Quality Time?” You might recognize them as 3 of the 5 love languages from the popular book first written by Dr. Gary Chapman back in 1995. In this episode, OCF managing editor Karen Fliedner chats with Jocelyn Green about Finding Your Love Language…at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

The Scars of Moral Injury | Episode 014

2023-04-13T15:09:39-06:00Categories: Enduring Hardship, Episodes|

Former OCF director of field operations LTC Tom Schmidt, US Army (Ret.), sat down with COL Dave Batchelor, USA (Ret.), in the faculty lounge of the US Army Command and General Staff College, where COL Batchelor shared the candid story of his personal struggle with moral injury.

Go Make Disciples | Episode 010

2023-04-13T15:09:41-06:00Categories: Episodes, Mentoring and Discipling Others|

Life moves fast. And in the high-tempo, transient lifestyle of the military, do we really have time to pour into someone else and answer the call to make more disciples? The guest for this episode is COL Scott Kelly, USA, and he’ll share his insights on the topic of discipleship.

Be a Leader God Can Use | Episode 009

2023-04-13T15:09:41-06:00Categories: Episodes, Military Leadership|

In this episode, we chat with 1LT Ryan Menicucci, USA, about what it takes to be a leader that God can use. The context for the conversation comes from a weekend ROTC retreat at OCF's White Sulphur Springs Conference Center in 2017. 1LT Menicucci recalls three important lessons learned that weekend: We must have faith in something that is worthy of our faith; we must know who we are in Christ; and we must be prepared to fight the good fight, as we engage in spiritual warfare.

Growing your affections for Christ | Episode 007

2023-04-13T15:09:42-06:00Categories: Episodes, Loving God|

LTC Tom Schmidt, USA (Ret.), chats with CH(MAJ) Mark Winton, USA, on the topic of “affections for Christ.” Our affections are typically rooted in our answer to this question: “What are our heart longings for?” As CH Winton suggests, our answer ultimately shows what drives our hearts and where our affections lie.

Navigating the Storms of Life | Episode 002

2023-04-13T15:09:45-06:00Categories: Episodes, Military Leadership|

Sometimes the storms of life can be metaphorical, such as a difficult deployment, move, or career transition. However, there are those times when the storms of life refer to literal storms. Such was the case for our guest today, LT James Rader, USCG, as he took part in search-and-rescue efforts during Hurricane Harvey this past August.

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