It Didn’t Surprise God
Imagine--the same God who fashioned the heavens and earth, and made man in His image--knew this would occur.
Imagine--the same God who fashioned the heavens and earth, and made man in His image--knew this would occur.
Leadership was a natural result of who Tom was.
"Follow me!" sounds like an adventure--the full life that Jesus brings!
An officer who was there takes a step back to view the big picture.
What is the relationship between Christians and politics?
We all have to serve or work for someone at some time in our lives.
Lack of contentment comes from entertaining lies.
Balance the roles of Christian officer and Christian spouse.
The Lord has brought you to this place for His purpose, and He will not rest until you are fully prepared.
I found being passed over to be the most freeing thing that has happened to me in my walk with Christ
May we boldly encourage the lifestyle our mottos, creeds, and principles promote--in order that we may not be put to shame.
Become a person who influences others for Christ.
As we seek a warrior's ethic for today we can reasonably look back 3000 years to another man of arms—arguably the greatest soldier ever to serve the nation of Israel, David, youngest son of Jesse. The ethic of David may be seen as consisting of two general orders: Do the Right Thing and Trust in God.
In our haste to don armor and build obstacles and barriers, however, we must not forget that prayer is the essential element for our security and salvation.
Four keys to a godly marriage.
A chaplain shares his insights about young, deployed service men and women.
Here are four ways you can pray over chaplains by praying the prayers of Colossians 1:9-12, Ephesians 1:15-19, and Ephesians 6:19-20.
A chaplain's wife shares her thoughts.
In a combat zone soldiers can rarely say, "Chaplain, you just don't know what I'm going through."
As Christians in the military, we ought to see the parallels between persistence in life and persistence in prayer.
Jesus has called us to take a stand in such a time as this. Laying low, and compromising are outside of our calling.
We cannot allow ourselves to be defeated by perceptions that Christian activities will not be tolerated in the military.
Keep these thoughts in mind when facing depression.
I was a modern-day Jonah trying to escape the grasp of God rather than make Him my priority and obey Him.
Every God-fearing dad in some way strives to image our heavenly Father.
A prayer for military wives.
When I was on the faculty of the Army War College one of my favorite questions to ask visiting senior leaders, was "What are you reading right now?"
How to avoid these 7 pitfalls that trip up small group discussions.
Did you know that your altitude determines your attitude? Jesus, the highest being there ever was and ever will be, voluntarily lowered Himself.
The time of the shooting at Ur coincided exactly with the prayer of the soldiers at War Eagle!
Proverbs 18:10 is a marvelous verse. It describes both protection and direction. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."
How deployments affect the holidays.
Looking ahead motivates us to live, work, and plan while we wait--and it is the key to living in the present with energy and hope.
Because of the patrol rotations, a chaplain may find himself preaching at multiple services to accommodate his soldiers. This is the life of a field chaplain.
The Lord has helped me shorten the space between my warriors, their families, and God.
A scripted Bible Study Guide on the first six chapters of Nehemiah.
The role of the OCF small group, the dynamics involved, and how to lead one at your installation.
Make important decisions with the confidence that God has revealed His direction.
Getting a local OCF fellowship started is not difficult. Here are 9 "P's" to keep in mind as you prayerfully consider starting an OCF local fellowship group.
Ms. Ryan's Second Grade Class asks some questions about life in Iraq.
Practical ways to share your faith with your children.
People rarely intentionally derail group discussions, but there are five personalities frequently found in small groups that can ruin group interaction unless the leader can handle them smoothly.
There are no guarantees that any of us will be promoted. But we do have the assurance that we can rest in Him.
1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be prepared to give an answer. I call that 'living a questionable life' where you are open to others questioning you.
An open letter from chaplains answers questions about going to war, being deployed, families of deployed, and those considering the chaplaincy.
We face a formidable enemy who continues to plague the human race.
There are a number of weapons and tactics in spiritual warfare.
When we go to war, we are fighting both a physical foe and a spiritual enemy.
Life is full of disappointments, difficulties, and distress. It comes in many ways: relational conflicts, job issues, financial concerns, illness, injury, tragedy and a host of other predicaments. It is challenging, even as a Christian, to respond positively to these trials.
Live out the commission God has given you and you will shine in a dark world.
Food for thought for young Christians in the military.
Do the military principles of war apply to Christian living?
Your duties as a soldier are consistent with the highest Christian values.
How well do you reflect the gospel in the pain-filled eyes of a frightened seven-year-old girl whose grandparents you just helped kill?
To be successful as a junior leader at your first unit, here are six core elements to consider.
How do you stand up for Christ without standing on someone's foot?
With the ability of the media to reach out to all corners of the globe and to report on the conduct, or misconduct, of soldiers, leaders have an even greater responsibility than ever to demonstrate what right looks like.
You are commissioned to do the Lord's work as professional military servants.
It is a joy and privilege to influence other lives through your leadership.
There's a great deal of talk about servant leadership in the military today, but few Christian officers are actually practicing it as the Lord prescribed.
As Christian officers desiring to exercise biblical leadership -- faced with constant flux and in the process of growing in our capacity to lead -- how can we best prepare for our next leadership role?
Character is the most important factor in Christian leadership.
How does the Christian leader achieve and promote healthy competition while maintaining an atmosphere that fits within the boundaries of "Love thy neighbor as thyself?"
We must mentally prepare ourselves and our loved ones for the mission requirements we may face.
What does it look like to be a disciple of Christ?
The key to successful leadership is found in the person of Jesus Christ.
OCF finds it appropriate to help senior officers meet the spiritual demands and opportunities of their important positions.
What can happen when men and women commit to be and make disciples for Christ.
Leading Bible studies in the barracks.
A final act of courage.
You must remain trained and always ready to face the perils of war.
The key to serving others is to have a humble heart.
Leadership is the defining skill of a military officer. Intellect and education are important. Indeed, in our technological profession, they are prerequisites. But professional performance and progress depend fundamentally on how well you master the art and science of leadership.
The effectiveness of a unit depends to maximum degree on the leadership ability of the commander.
Moral character is the one thing the Army cannot give to you; you have to develop it within yourself.
The Christian officer should strive to be the very best professional officer possible within his abilities, and he or she should do this in accord with Christian faith and conduct.
God is at work in the midst of your struggles, helping you learn more about the love, strength, wisdom, and peace that only He can provide.
It's beautiful to contemplate the nature of deity and to bask in His glory.
When we know how much we can't understand, we witness the birth of awe, wonder, and adventure.
Difficult but triumphant is this life in Christ.
You can't take it with you. But you can send it on ahead.
Every time that I struggle with times in my life where God is stretching me, I remember to simply, "wax the car…sand the floor."
Do you try to separate your faith from your finances, or are they central to your spirituality?
Life insurance plays an important role in a sound financial plan for the future.
It's important to be a proper steward of the finances God entrusts to Officers's Christian Fellowship.
When our four children were young, my wife and I wondered how we could teach them financial responsibility.
There are three things you need to believe if you are to give the way God wants you to give.
In Part 1, we ask: What do you think of when you hear someone mention stewardship? Money, talents, or ownership? For many, money is the first thing on their minds and that often leads to uncomfortable feelings.
In Part 2, knowledge and tools are great for your head, but you also need a heart to shape experience into judgment and wisdom. Learn to understand the numbers and balance them with what you value in your heart.
In Part 3, financial goals are the basis of personal financial planning. A great many people are working hard to save and invest, but do not have a plan, or at least not one sufficiently specific to assess progress.
In Part 4, the essence of planning is found in your knowing the return you need and the risk you can accept.
In Part 5, to get beyond tithing and on to gifting you need to multiply His blessings. This is the purpose of investing, and the better we do it, the more we can give back to His work.
In Part 6, God expects us to use what we need then multiply and return the rest. The blessings of stewardship are in the giving. Knowing when and how to do it is our responsibility.
God through the prophet Malachi told the Old Testament Jews that they were robbing God.
God gives us the power to become rich, but it may be in terms of our riches in eternity with Christ Jesus and not in our human, earthly terms. What is important is what drives us.
Ten habits of highly effective Second Lieutenants and Ensigns
I didn't realize what a difference my weekly Bible study and chapel service made until I went nearly four months in Iraq without them.
If you're in your thirties, you are living in a generational, social, and professional gap by no choice of your own. This positioning brings tremendous professional and spiritual challenges; and opportunities.
The adjustments families need to make can be improved by a good understanding of the stresses of separation and a strategy for thriving.
We must renew our commitment to study, discuss, pray over, and apply God’s Word to every aspect of our lives, knowing that we have the victory in Christ.