Christians in Combat

2018-06-27T15:37:04-06:00Categories: May A Christian Be A Warrior?|

If we are called to embark on a campaign that we believe to be righteous, whether it be moral high ground, dangerous missions work, lifestyle evangelism, or a military campaign, then tragedy or cost cannot tarnish the truth associated with that calling.

Conversation With a Chaplain

2018-06-26T08:18:59-06:00Categories: Supporting the Chaplaincy|

The chaplaincy is an incredible opportunity to present and represent the claims of Christ, but it is not a calling for the faint hearted. Carrying forward spiritual battle in the midst of physical battle is an extreme challenge.

Double Duty

2018-06-27T13:44:59-06:00Categories: The Military Spouse|

An excerpt from Hope for the Home Front: Winning the Emotional and Spiritual Battles of a Military Wife by Marshéle Carter Waddell.

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