What is OCF?

2018-06-24T07:28:38-06:00Categories: Leadership, May A Christian Be A Warrior?|

It’s not unusual to hear people ask, “What is OCF?” or “What does OCF do?” They may wonder if OCF is a club of officers like-minded in their Christian faith, or just the local Bible study fellowship they attend.

  • Photo by US Army

How do others see you?

2024-05-28T15:26:02-06:00Categories: Leadership, The Christian Officer|

How do others see you fulfilling your dual commissions? Do they see a leader who cares for them with the heart of Jesus, who is humble, grace-filled and selfless, and who ultimately serves the One and only Lord? As you serve your nation and serve your Lord, you will have ample opportunities to shine the Light of Christ through your love and service to others.

Three Looks

2018-06-25T16:34:33-06:00Categories: Leadership, Military Leadership|

As Christian officers desiring to exercise biblical leadership -- faced with constant flux and in the process of growing in our capacity to lead -- how can we best prepare for our next leadership role?

Leadership Excellence

2018-06-25T16:06:40-06:00Categories: Leadership|

We must remain ever mindful that God sustains that character and He ultimately provides that which we are obliged to give.

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