Last Updated on January 3, 2024 by OCF Communications
ROTC cadets and midshipmen of the Rockies: Come grow as a “Servant-Leader” who integrates faith and profession. This retreat is for you as future Christian military officers! Contact Lt Col Tom Falconer, USAF (Ret.), with questions at (719) 661-2442 or
Speaker: LTC Todd Plotner, USA (Ret.)
Topic: “One Thing: David’s Life and Leadership”
Cost: $100 for Cadets, Midshipmen, and Enlisted; $150 for Company Grade Officers; $225 for Adults
About the speaker: LTC Todd Plotner, USA (Ret.), is the Spring Canyon Director of Operations. He and his wife Andrea have been married over 28 years and have three adult sons: Everett, Brian and Nate. Todd is a 1993 graduate of West Point, where OCF and Navigators helped him take ownership of his faith and begin leading small groups. Todd served 21 years as an Army engineer officer, retiring as the ROTC Professor of Military Science at Washington State University. The Plotners love traveling, hiking with their dog Tucker, and playing with their pet rats (what Todd calls “the most unexpected mid-life crisis ever”).
About the topic: Shepherd, Son, Songwriter, and Servant. Warrior and King. Adulterer and Murderer. Absent Father. Man after God’s Own Heart. Despite his many failings, Scripture presents David as the ideal leader and king. David’s story insists that all of life is an interaction with God. David’s purpose and priorities can equip us to live well – as military leaders and beyond: “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life…” (Psalm 27:4)
Schedule: Optional Dinner Friday at 1730. RSVP Required! No cost for cadets/mids. $15 additional cost for all other adults; $10.50 additional cost for ages 3-12. Session begins Friday, 16 February 2024 at 1830. Ends Sunday, 18 February 2024 at 1330 (after lunch).