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Handbook Home
Section 1
1: OCF Purpose, Vision, Mission
2: The Distinctives of OCF
3: The Ministry Pillars of OCF
4: The Military Steward
Section 2
5: Spiritual Habits for Daily Life
6: Integrating Faith & Profession
7: Evangelism
8: Centering on Scripture
9: Engaging in Prayer
10: Pray-Discover-Obey (PDO)
11: Financial Life
Section 3
12: Small Group Bible Study
13: Starting & Sustaining Fellowship
14: Hosting & Facilitating Bible Study
15: Transitions & Handoffs
16: Christian Mentoring
17: The Military Chaplaincy
18: Chapel Programs
19: Nurturing the Family
20: Singles, Couples, Children
Section 4
21: OCF Membership
22: Local Church Membership
23: Member Roles Within OCF
24: OCF Volunteers Who Participate
25: OCF Conference Centers
26: Special Events, Conferences, Retreats
27: For a Lifetime
Section 5
28: Worldview
29: Professional Calling
30: Authority, Submission, Ethics, Morality
31: Assignments, Promotions, Retention
32: Learning from Military Life
33: Threats & Opposition
Section 6
34: The OCF Directory
35: Council & Staff
36: Like-Minded, Military-Focused Ministries
37: OCF’s Home Office
Bonus Content
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