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Area Coordinator: Col Tim and Jennifer Hale, USAF (Ret) Email: [email protected] Phone: (585) 220-9613 Additional Information: I am happy to help connect anyone in the southern mid-west region with a...

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Local Leader: Josh and Beth Walter Email: [email protected] Phone: 907.223.4673 Day & Time: Thursdays, Dinner at 1800, Study 1845-2000

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Contact: COL Tim and Penny Wiseman, USA (Ret). Phone: (252) 702-0046 Email: [email protected] We're eager to start and/or lead a local Bible study fellowship group. Contact us for details.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Hospitality Home: COL Tim and Penny Wiseman, USA (Ret). Phone: (252) 702-0046 Email: [email protected] Additional Details: Please contact us when visiting or passing through! We invite guests for meals and/or...

 4. Hospitality Homes /  Oklahoma

Local Leader: Lt Col Timothy M. Loucks, USAF (Ret) Email: [email protected] Day & Time: Tuesdays at 1130-1230, in Bldg 3001 Chaplain's Office, next to the main cafeteria.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Contact: Lt Col Rob Crespo, USAF, Email: [email protected], Phone: (907) 726-3752, OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

ROTC Contact: COL Tim and Penny Wiseman, USA (Ret). Phone: (252) 702-0046 Email: [email protected] We're eager to start and/or lead an ROTC cadet Bible study fellowship group. Contact us for...

 3. ROTC Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Local Leader: Maj. Howard & Linda Deunk, III, USAF (Ret) Email: [email protected] Home phone: 580.234.2502, Work phone: 580.213.5545 Day & Time: Wednesdays at 1830. Meets at leader's home.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Hospitality Home: Maj Howard Deunk, USAF, (Ret) Email: [email protected]  Phone: (580) 234-2502 Additional Information: Can provide an overnight stay AND a meal. We have two guest rooms with a double...

 4. Hospitality Homes /  Oklahoma

Contact: David and Amanda Urban Email: [email protected]  Phone: (817) 501-2641  OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma

Hospitality Home: Capt Bobby Uebelacker, USAF and Capt Holly Uebelacker, USAF Email: [email protected] Phone: (931) 337-5402 Additional Information: We welcome up to 4 guests for a meal or an overnight...

 4. Hospitality Homes /  Oklahoma

Contact: Capt Bobby Uebelacker, USAF and Capt Holly Uebelacker, USAF Email: [email protected] Phone: (931) 337-5402 OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.

 1. United States Groups and Contacts /  Oklahoma