
Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime

Our Vision at Officers’ Christian Fellowship is the military community positively impacted through Christlike leaders.

Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christlike service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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February 2023 Prayer Focus

The fundamentals of God’s Word must be revisited continually to readjust our stance not only for our effectiveness in the game plan Christ has established for us, but especially regarding biblical faith in Him.

January 2023 Prayer Focus

It is in Christ alone that we find the identity that He intends us to operate and live in. We are made an entirely new creation, an entirely new person—not just someone refurbished or retooled.

Identity: Which label are you wearing?

Who am I? This question is foundational for all believers, because when we are saved by Jesus, we become a new person. Understanding the characteristics of our new nature is an ongoing process in living a life that reveals Jesus to the world.

Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime

Our Vision at Officers’ Christian Fellowship is the military community positively impacted through Christlike leaders.

Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christlike service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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Recent Content from OCF

October 2022 Prayer Focus

Chaplains bear a tremendous weight in caring for the spiritual and moral well-being of service members and their families in a unique lifestyle that includes frequent moves, deployment, and combat stress. There are doors of great opportunity for God to be glorified as OCFers step out to support the chaplaincy by reaching out to their chaplains.

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