
Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime

Our Vision at Officers’ Christian Fellowship is the military community positively impacted through Christlike leaders.

Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christlike service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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A discussion of OCF past, present, and future | Episode 26

Here to discuss OCF's 75 years are a special round-table panel of guests: Brigadier General David Warner, USAF (Ret.), Lieutenant Colonel Kate Toms, USAF, Lieutenant Colonel Colin Wooten, USA (Ret.), and Captain Dan Abney, USMC.

December 31st, 2018|

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The key to serving others is to have a humble heart.

6 parts that make up the ‘substance’ of leadership

Leadership is the defining skill of a military officer. Intellect and education are important. Indeed, in our technological profession, they are prerequisites. But professional performance and progress depend fundamentally on how well you master the art and science of leadership.

Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime

Our Vision at Officers’ Christian Fellowship is the military community positively impacted through Christlike leaders.

Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christlike service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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