Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime
Recent Content from OCF
OCF celebrates recent move to its new location in Colorado Springs
This year’s annual Colorado Springs OCF community-area picnic was more than just a gathering for food and fellowship; it was also a celebration of OCF’s move from its 40-year residence outside Denver to its new location in Colorado Springs.
September 2023 Prayer Focus
One thing is crystal clear from the onset, from Genesis to Revelation and all other 64 books of the Bible in between: pride is the problem, and not one of us is immune from its lofty, lying lure.
August 2023 Prayer Focus
As marvelous as nature is, and as pleasant as our pursuit to experience its grandeur may be, it fades to nothingness if its Creator is not acknowledged, known, and pursued.
Building Christian military leaders, families, fellowships … for a lifetime
Recent Content from OCF
“Pursue at all costs”: Solutions, healing, & recovery from porn addiction
In part 4 of this series with Brent and Nicole Breining, we break down the three parts of addiction recovery and address why we can feel so discouraged by the time and effort required to heal, the value of understanding the nature of addiction regardless of personal experience, and the importance of addressing these sin struggles for the purpose of restoration rather than rejection.
“Rebuilding your beliefs on a foundation of truth”: Understanding betrayal trauma
In part 3 of this series with Brent and Nicole Breining, we discuss how the symptoms and effects of betrayal trauma present uniquely in different individuals, then Brent and Nicole share their personal experiences with betrayal trauma.
June 2023 Prayer Focus
If we could see with spiritual eyes what surrounds the unseen of those spiritual commissioning ceremonies, in our humanity we would be aghast and terrified at the spiritual warfare taking place.
Engaging in the Battle with Truth, Love and Grace
If we are going to effectively impact the military community, we have to be willing to authentically engage in the areas where the battle is raging.
“On your terms or God’s terms”: Digging deeper into God’s design for the human mind
In part 2 of this series with Brent and Nicole Breining, we discuss statistics and real-world case studies regarding the pornography industry that reveal the magnitude of its harmful effects on society and on individuals alike.
“There is hope”: Recovering from pornography addiction
Having reached a breaking point in their marriage in 2012 and recovered since then by God’s grace, Brent and Nicole talk about why that addiction placed such a strain on their marriage, how God worked through accountability partners in their healing process, and more.