[…]Parker, USN Email
[email protected], Phone: 720-341-6672 Mission: To encourage
and equip submariners to bear witness to the gospel within the submarine force by connecting them to local OCF fellowships. Identify
and engage submariners to start an OCF Bible study where fellowships do not […]
Hospitality Home: COL Tom
and Amy Matelski, USA, Email:
[email protected], Phone: 808-673-1574. Additional Information: Can provide an overnight stay
AND a meal. We are able to host a single family but have limited space for pets. Located in a military housing area with open […]
[email protected] Phone: (925) 768-7903. I will happily host fellow OCFers for a meal
and/or overnight stay for up to 6 people. (Please note that I have 2 cats.) You are also welcome to contact me if you are going to be moving into the area
and would like information about Keesler/the area or just need a local […]
Local Leaders: 1LT Audrey Dillman, USA,
and CPT Sheldon Dillman, USA. Email:
[email protected] Phone: (630) 796-1340 We meet for Bible study at our home every Wednesday at 1900. We also meet for family
and fellowship time on the 2nd Saturday of the month from […]
Area Coordinators: LCDR Chris
and Mollie Beuligmann, USN (Ret), Email:
[email protected], Phone: (757) 639-4140, Area Coordinators for the Southside Hampton Roads area. Serving Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth
and Suffolk. Please reach out if you are new to the area looking for fellowship, a place to sleep, or a hot […]
Local Leader: LT Sam Alexander, USN Email:
[email protected] Phone: (309) 944-7704 Day
and Time: Thursdays @ 6:30 PM. Contact for more details. Includes both USCG
and USN […]
Hospitality Home: Chris
and Amy Landis Email:
[email protected] Phone: (585) 590-0527 Additional Information: We can host many for a meal
and overnight accommodation. We have four young […]
[email protected] Phone: (580) 234-2502 Additional Information: Can provide an overnight stay
AND a meal. We have two guest rooms with a double bed in each (i.e., 2 couples)
and 4 couches that can accommodate one person […]
[…](814) 585-4666 Additional Information: Join us on Tuesdays from 1930 to 2100 for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and dessert. For junior or mid-grade singles, married couples. Childcare not […]