Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]up but never knew the Lord. That changed my senior year of college through the efforts of my grandparents and friends. I am still growing in my knowledge of the Lord and I thank Him for His abundant mercy and grace. What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? The current generation of leaders is more connected and inundated with information and secular viewpoints than any previous generation. How does OCF equip future leaders so the thorns of the world do not choke what is of eternal importance? Nominated by: LTC Tom Austin IV, USA (Ret.); […]

Staying Up Late

[…]the guard said. “Always love it when you pray for us.” I put my arms around their shoulders and prayed for them. I asked that God would be with them throughout the night and help them stay awake and alert. I prayed for their families. And as always, I prayed that all of us would make it through this deployment safely and return home to the ones we love. We all said, “Amen” and with that, I climbed back down the ladder, and headed towards my hooch. As I was walking back, I was reminded of the famous scene in […]
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