Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Getting Intentional in Your Marriage

[…]or husband’s need, goal, or point of view Commit to caring for the other’s concerns Catch, pray for, and cooperate with God’s vision Serve each other with proper motives Following an interactive session, a young spouse asked us, “So how do you grow together spiritually?” Our response was to start with these basics of good communication: Routine spiritual pulse check. Safeguard from serving on an empty tank. Weekly calendar merge. Share, know, and be involved with what each other is doing. Inquire about what your husband or wife is learning through personal quiet time and study. How can I pray […]

Leadership by Example

[…]to train and then to adapt that expertise to new situations as we are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they do it well, the best in the world I might add. And, if they do not, then, it goes without saying that the Army will not contribute militarily to subduing the insurgencies in those two locations. But it takes far more than tactical competence to fulfill your obligations as an officer. It takes, secondly, moral character of the highest sort in every commissioned leader, particularly as our Army fights the dirty battles of urban warfare as initiated by terrorists, […]
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