[…]like ours where we are free. 13. Have you ever gotten hurt? I have not been hurt so far and I hope and pray that I won’t get hurt during my time here. I want to come home the same way I left. And now for the most asked question of all… 14. What do the bad guys look like?This is a hard question to answer because the bad guys look very much like the good guys on the outside. They wear the same type of clothes, speak the same language, and live in houses and drive cars just like […]
[…]the plane, moved to the flag-draped transfer cases, and the chaplain offered a prayer. The Commander and I then returned, in step, to the tarmac where the Army Honor Guard was waiting. As we all stood at attention, the Honor Guard moved to lift each case. At this time the Commander and I saluted (ceremoniously-a slow, three-second move) as they moved the case to the open doors of the hearse. We did this for each soldier being honored. Then one last salute as the hearse started to drive away. We all then followed, in step, the slow moving hearses back […]
[…]and, springing into the path of the frightened animal, seized the bridle, brought the horse to a stand and replaced the reins into the Emperor’s hands. In recognition and reward for the soldier’s devotion, Napoleon said, as he secured the reins in his hands, “Thank you, Captain.” Without hesitation the soldier came to attention, saluted his imperial master and inquired, “Of what regiment, sir?” Charmed by the soldier’s complete faith and unquestioning confidence in his word, the Emperor responded, “Of my own guards,” and then, turning his mount, he rode away at a gallop. Immediately the soldier lay down his […]