Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Leadership Excellence

[…]it are sometimes immense. While we tend to discount the toil, leadership remains yeoman’s work and demands absolute dedication, focused effort, and most importantly, great strength of character. Leaders must understand that the profession of arms is an altogether unique endeavor, a true “calling” and, in many ways, a spiritual undertaking. They must recognize the true nature of the enterprise, acknowledge the spiritual dimension of their service, and appreciate the motives and expectations of their subordinates. Service members are generally distinguished by their deep conviction and sense of duty, and by their confidence in the integrity of the organizations to […]

Three Words

[…]that Jesus is Lord in your life will give you confidence to handle the weight of combat command and the courage to face death. This does not mean that you may not be killed. Jesus was Lord as much in my brother Jon’s life as he was in mine, but God allowed the North Vietnamese machine gun bullets to cut him down after only a few weeks in battle, while I survived fifteen months there with only a few scars. Nor does your faith mean you will never feel fear. It is part of our humanness–often a necessary and helpful […]
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