Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Through A Glass Darkly

[…]sneakers and sticky fingers were exchanged for bubble baths and storybooks, we all got together and prayed for us and for Daddy. And then each of the girls would kiss goodnight the picture of their uniformed dad. So many nights I fell exhausted into bed. Sometimes I cried myself to sleep for want of a partner to help me raise these little ones. I refused to entertain the thought of his not coming back. There was always that chance, but I prayed for the strength for each day, and each day brought enough to be concerned about. I did get […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]helped and sympathized, but never lost sight of the reality that every organization both gave to, and demanded from, the individual. That was the condition of his servant leadership style. Specifically, a commitment to the goals of the organization and willingness to serve. He was a man of faith whose self-reliance was based on a combination of his developed capabilities, but primarily a belief that even in combat God was in control. He was a builder, not only in ministry for OCF but also physically. The month he died he had just finished supervising the construction of the second house […]
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