[…]opposition in order to make their lot more livable. Will die with you and will not run away. Will pray for and with you as you lie dying or wounded–willingly go where needed, no matter how dangerous that place may be. Knows the different religious practices and beliefs of the people in your unit Is an enthusiastic contributor to the mission and morale of your organization, but one who will let you know when there are problems with its mission or morale. Those are some of the basic expectations that should be met by your chaplains. If they are not […]
[…]should have beaten them. Much has been written about Washington the hero, Washington the commander, and Washington the President. Unfortunately, historians have often missed the mark on why Washington possessed such strong qualities of leadership and character. His Christian faith was the most potent force in his life and yet, to read modern history, one could never learn what truly set Washington apart from his peers. Some revisionist historians today even suggest that Washington was a deist, though there is no scholarly evidence to support such a claim. These historians further claim that it was Washington’s luck, combined with Yankee […]