Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Keep the End in Mind

[…]back together. We envisioned long walks, picnic lunches with the children, standing on the beach and holding hands as we marveled at God’s handiwork, silently and verbally thanking God for our reunion. This looking ahead perspective had its practical side, too. As we purposed to begin with the end in mind, we had to decide what that looked like in pre-deployment, mid-deployment, and post-deployment. This minimized the emotion of departure and separation for both of us. It exposed the frightening unknown. Practically, looking ahead meant several things. Preparing for Deployment First, we would keep life as normal as possible. Attending […]

War Eagle, Iraq

[…]life in the 1st Brigade Combat Team thus far while deployed in harm’s way. Members openly prayed and thanked the Lord for His sovereign grace. Intercession was voiced aloud. At the conclusion of the service, staff officers arrived and informed us that one of our soldiers had just been shot outside of Ur — the very place Abraham left in obedience to follow the living God. The soldier who was shot was on a humanitarian mission — passing out soccer equipment to neighborhood children. While doing this, a sniper took aim and fired. The bullet penetrated the Kevlar helmet of […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]included outstanding Christian role models, wonderful fellowship and worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a great first experience with OCF! Then I asked them the same two questions I ask each new class of students at Maxwell: 1) What would happen if every flight commander, every squadron commander, every wing commander were “on fire” for the Lord Jesus? What would your Air Force look like? 2) How are you going to make a Kingdom difference during your career? […]
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