Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Letter to My Sergeant

[…]was elected to the OCF Council Class of 2002. Stu culminated a 23 year career with battalion command, and retired 1 August 2001. Stu, wife Kay and son Logan reside in Copperas Cove, Texas. Their other two children, Stuart IV and Erin, attend the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in Belton, […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]the shedding of blood–is necessary to the securing of peace. So it was in entering the Promised Land — and at Christ’s first coming — and so will it be at His second advent. That’s at least part of the reason why (on a lesser plane, of course) we need the military services in our country and a military science department on our campus. Depravity–and the bully syndrome–will be with us until Jesus comes back. Hence the warrior spirit must be righteously nurtured. There is a necessary place for it in a liberal arts program. A thousand years after David […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]thinking of a home Bible study. Find a like-minded Christian co-worker for a workplace study. 2. Pray about starting a group, about who to invite, what to study, where to meet, time/place, etc. Let the Holy Spirit speak before launching on your own strength. 3. Invite initial participants. Face-to-face invitations work best. Using flyers, bulletin board announcements, or e-mail works better after you have an established group going. 4. Be prepared. Take a look at the many resources available on this OCF website to help you–so take your time and look around! After the First Meeting After the first meeting you’ll […]
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