Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Financial Responsibility for Children

[…]altogether. At one base when we were homeschooling, our three daughters babysat during the day, and they were in high demand. Our son mowed lawns and did other work for people so he had a source of income as well. In college each one held jobs which paid for the luxuries of college life, and in their last two years of college they helped with their rent and food costs with that income. The Financial Manager When our oldest was a sophomore in high school we decided to take a Big step. We delegated the management of the family finances […]

Finding certainty in an uncertain world

[…]face and countenance will show it. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (vv. 6–7). Guard your heart. Have you placed the cause of your uncertainty at the Lord’s feet? Are you thankful for where He has you and what He’s allowing you to experience? When you do this, the overwhelming sense of peace will pour over you and your heart will be free of worries. Finally, […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]which acts as our perimeter defense, surrounding us with brothers and sisters to hold up our hands and protect us from outside evil influences.  Prayer acts as spiritual anti-virus protection, culling out evil thoughts and evoking the Holy Spirit to keep the “hard drive” of our inner man unpolluted.  And by feasting on the Word, we password-protect our heart and mind with Scripture, locking and protecting our thoughts. As you continue to serve our nation, know that OCF was tailor-made to come alongside and provide you with the defense-in-depth measures needed to keep your light shining brightly–the light of Christ […]

Waging Another War

[…]on. Taking care of a soldier in marriage and family life should be foremost in a training plan and command philosophy. Giving them the tools, such as a Bible study like this, and establishing an environment to ensure their success is your responsibility as a leader. The military is a family–and for many of us, the only one we have from time-to-time. We must take care of each other to ensure victory on all fronts and remain family strong! A men’s study devoted to sexual integrity can provide your soldiers with the weapons and tactics to win and maintain strong […]
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