Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]globe during the Second World War. Its muscular build and vicious blade elicit images of fierce hand-to-hand combat. My father served nearly three decades in the Marine Corps, enlisting in 1946 at the age of seventeen. He stood in awe of the veterans he met who were well acquainted with the kabar. In time he possessed his own, and it accompanied him to subsequent wars. Since his retirement, he gave himself over to more peaceful pursuits. In his seventies today, he still manages a sizeable garden; but when he first retired, he oversaw a veritable farm. He had rakes and […]

I Only See Green

[…]and to accept heartfelt apologies. We can only do that by putting our hearts and eyes on Christ and by praying for the strength to love one another unconditionally. Racism could end in a day. That day when all of God’s children accept Jesus Christ as Savior and vow to try to live up to His teachings. People would know that we are all created in the perfect image of God (Gen 1:27). We all descended from Adam and Eve so no matter what race we are, we all come from the same blood (Acts 17:26). God wants to save […]

Leadership Q&A

[…]Christian officer needs a friend in the faith to hold him/her accountable, hear confession, offer prayer cover, and encourage us through the struggle. Even Moses couldn’t do it alone (Exodus 17:10-13). He had Aaron and Hur help him in the midst of a desperate battle against the Amalekites. We also need such support. There are a lot of temptations to compromise your testimony. Your wing-man in the struggle will help you overcome these. For me, this faithful partner has been, and remains, my wife, Rebecca. She is my confidant, advisor, friend, and accountability partner in the fight. I could not […]
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