Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Re-entry Reminders

[…]end, returning military men and women and their families will be challenged with unique deployment and re-entry issues. Ilene Stubbs offers suggestions–and the timelessness of God’s wisdom–for managing the process of reunion and readjustment.   Normal has changed for everyone. Be patient–it takes time to get into a routine. Soldiers haven’t been on a vacation. Expect your household to be different. Keep life as routine as possible. Take time to re-adjust to one another. Go slowly. Communicate feelings. Anxiety is normal. Discuss frustrations. Accept that we are all different. Initial discomfort in adjusting doesn’t mean your spouse is unhappy with […]


[…]package ready to go before the board. But I did it, leaving the outcome in the Lord’s hands. And after twenty-one years of service, I retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve. I learned a mighty lesson about the power of Almighty God who moves beyond any obstacle. And because He is in control, I learned to leave the struggling, pushing, and prodding in His hands. This wasn’t the first time I faced obstacles. Some were overcome, such as my promotion to major even though I had missed it on two previous boards. Some were not, such as […]
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