Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Predicting the Future

[…]the above as a backdrop, a commentary on mankind reveals that people have always tried to replace random chaos with some type of order. Stated another way, most people do not like to take risks, and want to envision a secure future. Security is an attempt to replace the elements of the unknown with predictable outcomes. Hence, life insurance, or any insurance, is an ordering mechanism that tries to take the possibility of something unforeseen happening, and tries to predict an outcome that will keep us whole or stable. The Bible speaks to our nature in doing this. First, God’s […]

Was it Failure or Success?

[…]workplace, around the boardroom table. Don’t be ashamed to give God credit when credit is due and hold up the godly standards on which this nation was built. You get my point. When credit is due, glorify Him. In spite of our flux and failures, He can use us. Don’t be afraid to approach Him or feel unworthy of His use. He uses committed believers and Christian leaders to achieve the kingdom work of drawing others to Him. “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” In the face of failure, Simon did not give up. His […]
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