[…]Angel of the Lord told him, “Take a walk on a deserted dusty road” (my paraphrase). Phillip obeys the angel’s voice and he is vectored to an Ethiopian government official ready to hear the words of salvation. In much the same way, as chaplains walk among the tents, eat in the chow halls, and ride in the convoys, the Lord vectors them to those whose hearts are prepared to hear and receive the eternal message of […]
[…]out of your bank account instead of your pay account. I have a form for you to fill out and send in along with a voided check so I can verify the bank routing number and your account number. Credit CardYet another option is to have your monthly contribution charged to your credit card. I also administer this personally at the beginning of each month. If you would like to contribute using your credit card, please contact me. Thank you very much for your support of and interest in the ministries of Officers’ Christian Fellowship. It is vital to the […]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9735809/height-orig/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/custom-color/002b54/height/90″ height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” […]