Search results for "Pray"

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Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]in getting ready, packing his stuff. No hurry to rush, plenty of time. Great breakfast, wonderful prayer. Brian and some of the boys have befriended some of the camp volunteers. Good kids, clean cut, wholesome, helpful, and cheerful. They are all hanging out, exchanging contact information, taking departure pictures. I will miss this place. A few quiet moments near the spring to thank God for this time. Praise You for allowing us to be here, to know You better…to share. Telling Rick thanks. Words fall short. Hugging a new brother. “Chicago” peppers the gathering with humor, we all laugh. Goodbyes […]

Spiritual Success

[…]congregation, a Bible study, or para-church organization. Read the Bible and pray daily if possible. Do it like Physical Training. Find a prayer partner to get with every week. When you are given the opportunity to talk to your platoon/unit, tell them who you are and include in a matter of fact way that you are a Christian. Do not preach to them; you are not paid to do that. Just inform them of the “stuff” that helps you make decisions. Be physically fit and try to set the standard in military bearing and professionalism. Remember God will never give […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]thinking of a home Bible study. Find a like-minded Christian co-worker for a workplace study. 2. Pray about starting a group, about who to invite, what to study, where to meet, time/place, etc. Let the Holy Spirit speak before launching on your own strength. 3. Invite initial participants. Face-to-face invitations work best. Using flyers, bulletin board announcements, or e-mail works better after you have an established group going. 4. Be prepared. Take a look at the many resources available on this OCF website to help you–so take your time and look around! After the First Meeting After the first meeting you’ll […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]our chapels! The words of Jesus call to us today. The fields are white unto harvest (John 4:35). Pray that the Lord will send forth laborers. (Luke 10:12). A spiritually live, praying chapel congregation is just such a disciple-making and disciple-sending ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ to use in expanding His Church throughout the military and throughout the world. The chapel offers you many opportunities to use your spiritual gifts and to express your commitment to Jesus Christ. All chaplains welcome volunteers to serve in their programs. The transient nature of military life insures a continual supply of places […]

The Role of the Chaplain

[…]opposition in order to make their lot more livable. Will die with you and will not run away. Will pray for and with you as you lie dying or wounded–willingly go where needed, no matter how dangerous that place may be. Knows the different religious practices and beliefs of the people in your unit Is an enthusiastic contributor to the mission and morale of your organization, but one who will let you know when there are problems with its mission or morale. Those are some of the basic expectations that should be met by your chaplains. If they are not […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

[…]together to provide meals, take care of children, and provide comfort and encouragement through prayer, Scripture and time spent together. Every Wednesday, Naval Base Kitsap OCFers gather at the aptly named Anchor of Hope church, filling long tables with delicious smelling casseroles, crockpots and salads. The kids eat quickly so they can get back to playing and chasing each other. The adults enjoy the meal while chatting, laughing, and catching up on one another’s lives, relishing the chance to finally rest from work or taking care of kids all day. Then they settle down to learn from God’s Word and […]
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