Search results for "Pray"

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From Mid to Married to Mom

[…]that we truly have nothing to fear.   Dear God, I come to you this day,To keep my husband safe I pray.Please protect him day and night,And bless him with the coming light. Be his rock, and shield, and strength,Deliver him at any length.And when he’s tired, tried, and weary,Help him see Your love so clearly. Lord, I pray for comfort too,For Your love and peace to shine right throughThe dark times when I’m feeling lonely,Missing my husband and wishing that only; While he’s gone that time would fly,And when he’s home that it’d creep by.I look to You Lord, […]

It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]swelled her neck with blood. But it was far more than just peace in the hospital. Many people have prayed for us and continue to pray for us today. Which brings me to the third blessing. God heard and responded to the prayers in very tangible ways. We had been warned of a multitude of potential complications, but Heather was protected. It hit home when a retired C-141 pilot contrasted Heather with his coworker who was in a remarkably similar situation. The only notable difference was the people who were praying for Heather. While his coworker suffered complications, Heather sailed […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]permission to pray for him. I said, “I know you are a Muslim, and as a Christian I would like to pray for you.” He happily agreed and we shared a wonderful time of prayer at the foot of the cross in his office. We both cried. Was I coercive in my witness? Did I proselytize? I am sure some would say yes, but I don’t think so. Using common sense and sensitivity, it is possible to be an ambassador for Christ in […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]not give you a vision for your entire military service, or even for your entire unit, but if you pray and ask, He will give you vision for a specific task He wants you to do. Then pray that your vision will grow as you continue to mature in your faith and walk with Him. Be a person of faith, although you cannot see all of the details. We encourage you to ask God for a spiritual vision that includes the unique opportunities and capabilities that your position and rank afford the Body of Christ in your military unit and […]
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Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]Word. Prayer Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (ACTS). Also, make your prayer list realistic: split it into multiple parts and pray over one section per day. Ask God questions about your military leadership and everything on your heart; it reminds us to listen. When He answers it enables us to see His relevance in the practical aspects of our life. Journaling Capture God’s answers to prayer and His revelations of truth (Proverbs 29:18). This is how we actively listen, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), grow, and demonstrate to God that we can be trusted as faithful stewards of His […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]someone holds you accountable, you will pick up words you wish you hadn’t. 6. As a leader, PRAY DAILY, especially for wisdom (Phil. 4:6,7). Often we pray in a reactive sense instead of a preparatory sense. It doesn’t have to be formal or even done in private. Let God speak to you, cry out to Him, be honest, admit weakness, and plead for help (1 Thess. 5:17, Rom. 8:26). TIP: Set aside specific time to pray for coworkers, commanders, subordinates, and issues. 7. KNOW and DO your job well. Only then will you earn the respect of your peers and […]
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