[…]said, as he secured the reins in his hands, “Thank you, Captain.” Without hesitation the soldier came to attention, saluted his imperial master and inquired, “Of what regiment, sir?” Charmed by the soldier’s complete faith and unquestioning confidence in his word, the Emperor responded, “Of my own guards,” and then, turning his mount, he rode away at a gallop. Immediately the soldier lay down his arms, left his compatriots and passed over among the officers of Napoleon’s immediate staff. “What do you want here?” one of them asked, haughtily. “I am a captain in the Emperor’s Guards,” was the response. […]
[…]old set of Vietnamese jump wings. And pictures of young men. Hal Moore said it best, “We were soldiers once–and young.” We were soldiers for a lot of reasons. One of them was the “bully syndrome.” Many years ago, as a young boy in a cozy little neighborhood in central Washington state, I learned a valuable lesson. Our neighborhood bully, Jimmy C., would never stop throwing dirt clods and using strong-arm tactics to terrorize smaller children. Yes, we complained. In fact, we begged. But time after time “negotiation” failed. Nothing seemed to work. Until one day one of us gathered […]
[…]eventually changed my life. On that Sunday while I was in the air over Pearl Harbor, an American soldier named Jacob DeShazer had been on K.P. duty in an Army camp in California. When the radio announced the demolition of Pearl Harbor he shouted, “Jap, just wait and see what we’ll do to you!” One month later he volunteered for a secret mission with the Jimmy Doolittle Squadron—a surprise raid on Tokyo from the carrier Hornet. On April 18, 1942, DeShazer was one of the bombardiers filled with elation at getting his own revenge. After the bombing raid, they flew […]
[…]they can only be complete in Christ; they must keep their eyes on Him whom they are following. An Old Testament charge to leaders by King Jehoshaphat included four facts: Leaders did not carry out duties for man, but for the Lord; the Lord was with them when they performed their duties; they were directed to conduct business in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and wholeheartedly; and they needed to be very careful what they did because the Lord would have no part in unrighteousness or partiality. The Lord demanded honor (integrity) from those who choose to serve as […]
[…]role of government. There are several roles implied by example of governments set up by God in the Old Testament. But, again, the only clearly prescriptive role seems to be that focused on in Romans 13:1-7 which I would summarize as providing a modicum of justice and order in societies of sinful men. Further, conspicuous by its absence in Scripture, is clear support for a particular form of government. What strikes me is that these matters which seem so very important to us seem not so to God. God knows the human heart, and though not unconcerned with the structures […]