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Speak my language

[…]already spent two years on a previous Coast Guard tour. I was looking forward to reconnecting with old friends, and was frustrated that Jocelyn seemed to want to monopolize my home time. If I had realized her Quality Time needs, I would have focused my attention on her first. Jocelyn: And then I would have been much happier for him to spend time with friends. I confess, I didn’t recognize Rob’s love language of Acts of Service either. Before we met I was fairly independent already, living on my own in Washington, D.C. But once married, I made a list […]

Strong to the Finish

[…]asked, “How long?” you’re in good company. This question was asked more than 50 times by Old Testament heroes. In Psalm 13 David asks, “How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?” David seems to be overwhelmed by thoughts of discouragement and sadness, as his enemies appeared to have gained the upper hand. Maybe, like David, you are experiencing a time when God seems out of […]

Undivided Heart

[…]one’s conscious choices (actions). Our options are to allow the “spiritual self” or the “old nature” to dictate our decisions. David asked that he would know God’s ways and walk in His truth. Is it possible to discern right judgment without knowing the truth? James 1:8 says: A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Surely, as Christian leaders, our desire is to show compassion with an undivided heart–one that rightly discerns truth with reverence and awe of the Lord. As you read the Bible, and especially as you contemplate Psalm 86:11, consider these simple action points: Discern truth–notice […]

We Honor Them

[…]as the contract Boeing 747 lifted off from Ramstein Airbase in Germany, with the remains of five soldiers killed in Iraq this past weekend. We quickly arranged for the helicopter to take the Army Honor Guard (from the Old Guard, the unit that guards the Tomb of the Unknown) and me to Dover where we arrived to greet the plane. As we waited, the Air Force Honor Guard mounted the arriving airplane, ensured a new and unblemished American flag was draped and secured properly over each “transfer case” (not yet a casket); and then loaded them individually, in a slow […]
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