[…]the United States Military Academy (USMA ’05) and the Cadet-In-Charge of OCF at West Point this year. He wrote this devotion to all of OCF at the beginning of the school year to encourage his fellow cadets to fall in love with Jesus again and renew their relationship with the Father. Jim branched Armor in October and expects to get stationed at Ft. Hood, TX after graduation this […]
[…]the experience with others. Important: To improve from there, OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader collect feedback by using the feedback form available on the OCF website. Growing OCF Groups Caution: if the group gets too large to comfortably fit the venue (work meeting or home living rooms) the experience can become less personal and the motivation to bring in new participants diminishes. If your group has more than twelve regular attendees each week, you should pray about dividing into two groups–if, when, and how. Knowing the importance of small, growing OCF groups to the lives […]
[…]steps that a person goes through before they become a Christian.” (A. Scott Moreau, Harold A. Netland, Charles Edward van Engen, David Burnett Evangelical Dictionary of World Mission, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engel_Scale) In my first active duty unit, the 68th Corps Support Battalion at Ft. Carson, Colorado, the space was shortened by several things. The Lord let me lead a family conference, which helped people get closer to each other and to Christ. Provider and Prussman Chapels were where the Lord let me preach and help people grow in their relationship with Jesus. My unit deployed to Kuwait for a year. Preaching there […]
[…]on those around them. Austin: Seeing what OCF does, connecting people for life! A couple years ago one of our senior girls led a group of plebes at our Tuesday night Bible study, and frequently met with each one outside of class. She would listen to their plebe year woes, record prayer requests, share Scripture, and bring them treats. And she’s continued, even sending them encouraging cards and packages from Afghanistan while deployed. That core group is now leading plebe studies, excited about doing for these girls what this lieutenant did for them Your advice for getting involved in […]