Effective ministry flows from unity.

OCF’s annual Global Town Hall is a chance to hear from leadership, get answers to questions, and fellowship with other members.

Watch the 2025 Global Town Hall

The second Global Town Hall was held on 8 February at the OCF Home Office in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Watch GTH 2024

OCF’s inaugural Global Town Hall is available to view on video or audio-only playback. Get more information by clicking below.

Submit your questions, comments, or feedback

If you have a question, your question wasn’t answered, you need some clarification on something said during the GTH, or if you have feedback, comments, or suggestions, fill out the form, and we’ll pass your question or comment to the appropriate person.

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Submit your questions, comments, or feedback

If you have a question, your question wasn’t answered, you need some clarification on something said during the GTH, or if you have feedback, comments, or suggestions, fill out the form, and we’ll pass your question or comment to the appropriate person.

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